Thursday, January 23, 2020

Windows Xp :: Information Technology Operating Systems

Windows XP In 2001, Microsoft introduced Windows XP (codenamed "Whistler"). The merging of the Windows NT/2000 and Windows 95/98/Me lines was achieved with Windows XP. Windows XP uses the Windows NT 5.1 kernel, marking the entrance of the Windows NT core to the consumer market, to replace the aging 16/32-bit branch. Windows XP is the longest version of Windows ever released between upgrades, from 2001 all the way to 2007 when Windows Vista was released to consumers. The Windows XP line of operating systems were surpassed by Windows Vista on January 30, 2007. Windows XP is available in a number of versions: †¢ "Windows XP Home Edition", for home desktops and laptops (notebooks) †¢ "Windows XP Home Edition N", as above, but without a default installation of Windows Media Player, as mandated by a European Union ruling †¢ "Windows XP Professional", for business and power users †¢ "Windows XP Professional N", as above, but without a default installation of Windows Media Player, as mandated by a European Union ruling †¢ Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE), released in November 2002 for desktops and notebooks with an emphasis on home entertainment o Windows XP Media Center Edition 2003 o Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 o Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, released on October 12, 2004. †¢ "Windows XP Tablet PC Edition", for tablet PCs (PCs with touch screens) o Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 †¢ Windows XP Embedded, for embedded systems †¢ "Windows XP Starter Edition", for new computer users in developing countries †¢ Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, released on April 25, 2005 for home and workstation systems utilizing 64-bit processors based on the x86-64 instruction set (AMD calls this AMD64, Intel calls it Intel 64) †¢ Windows XP 64-bit Edition, is a version for Intel's Itanium line of processors; maintains 32-bit compatibility solely through a software emulator. It is roughly analogous to Windows XP Professional in features. It was discontinued in September 2005 when the last vendor of Itanium workstations stopped shipping Itanium systems marketed as "Workstations". o Windows XP 64-bit Edition 2003, based on the Windows NT 5.2 codebase. Windows XP has many features not found in previous versions of Windows. Windows XP provides new and/or improved drivers and user interfaces for devices compared to Windows Me and 98. On old versions of Windows, when users upgrade a device driver, there is a chance the new driver is less efficient or functional than the original. Reinstalling the old driver can be a major hassle and to avoid this quandary, Windows XP keeps a copy of an old driver when a new version is installed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Kodak Harvard Case

Case preparation memo GROUP NAME _____________________________ YOUR NAME_________Jordan Lewis_______ CASE __Kodak_________________ 1. What is/are the problem(s) in this case? Keep it to a single statement. At most, you may point out a couple of the key questions. The problem in the Kodak case is that Kodak is losing market value because they are reworking their product line, causing doubt in customer mindset. They have created the Funtime film to attempt to regain market value. 2. What are the key issues? This is just a simple list (condensed SWOT).You do not need to analyze in great detail. The key issues are that they are losing market value by remaking their best seller. By attempting to enter the economy brand-pricing tier, they have restructured and rebranded their other films, making their consumer doubt the quality of their original product. They have renamed their superpremium film to correlate with their premium brand, which is a strength, but could lose a few of their custo mers in the transition. By not heavily advertising their new line of Funtime film they run the risk of not reaching their consumer.From a business standpoint, it seems odd to devote so little marketing to a new product, it seems as though they don’t care/believe in the product to begin with. 3. What are the alternatives? Be creative! What are the strategic tradeoffs (pros / cons)? This should be a list of at least 5 alternatives. They do not all have to be wonderful ideas. This is a brainstorming step -Take a percentage of the advertising/marketing dollars designated to the most well known, most purchased film, Gold Plus, and use it to run one campaign for Funtime. -Find a way to package the Gold Plus and the Funtime together. Advertise and market to current consumers of Gold Plus, their most popular film. -Give a free sample to 100 current Kodak users, it’s not incredibly costly and may be able to generate word of mouth advertising. -Sell each roll of Funtime individu ally. Set the price point a little higher than the packaged pricing would be, and market them as a quick solution to those necessary moments when a photo is needed. 4. Present a quantitative analysis of key alternatives (if appropriate). This section may include break even, margin analysis, ROI, LCV, etc.State clearly if you do not find relevant numbers in the case. It is an interesting strategy to sell the Funtime film in â€Å"value packs. † By selling them in packs they are making a relatively similar amount of money, as they would by selling one roll of Gold Plus film. On average consumers spent between $2. 50 and $3. 50 on a roll of film so by bundling Funtime together and selling them for roughly the same price as one roll of Gold Plus, it seems like a higher margin could be made by selling the Funtime rolls individually. If they were to sell them individually they could sell them for 0. 0 less than their Gold Plus and still make a decent margin, while maintaining the l ower price point necessary for the consumer. The case states that Funtime is to be sold at a price 20% less than Gold Plus, which is sold for 20% less than Royal Gold. 5. In your own words, what is your recommendation? First, what reason(s) do you have to choose this alternative? Second, how will it be implemented? Use the marketing mix elements and research components as implementation guidelines. The previous sections can be duplicated within your group, but this part should be individual effort.The best strategy would be to concentrate on the new product line and promote it heavily with a competitive price. Product strategies: I think they need to reevaluate the way they are introducing Funtime into the market. It makes little to no sense to introduce an economy price based item into the market without advertising it. In analyzing their target only 10% were price shoppers, but their manager of general merchandise marketing stated that there is a significant rise in price-sensitiv e shoppers, so it would make sense to dedicate at least a portion of the marketing strategy to the new price point product.Go for market penetration! Pricing: The Funtime film is meant to fit the economy brand pricing tier. The other films in this tier range from $2. 69-$2. 91. The case does not directly state the price of one individual roll of Funtime film. It does however mention that it is only to be sold in packages of two or four. It would make most sense to sell two of the Funtime films for the price of one roll of their premium film. However, they do offer more exposures in the pack of four and could possibly sell it for a larger margin.Especially if they are trying to compete with the private label margin which is higher than Kodak’s margin. To implement this pricing strategy I would advertise a â€Å"2 for 1† or â€Å"more bang for your buck† strategy, emphasizing the quality or genre difference as well. Promotional ideas: As an alternative I would cho ose to offer some form of promotion for the Funtime film. I find it necessary to promote a new product, rather than introduce it twice a year in limited quantities. An economy-based shopper is looking for something easy, cheap, and on the go, so make it easily accessible to them.Promote it around graduation time, wedding season, and holidays so that people remember to pick up an extra roll of film. By releasing it with hardly any advertising and on a limited quantity run it doesn’t show much confidence in the product to begin with, so leave it out there and promote it when necessary. Distribution tactics: Distribute at point of sale, registers, next to picture frames, in the photo developing section of department and drug store. Maybe even convenience stores. It is an economy priced item, sell it where people will make it an add-on sale item.Distribute where current users of Kodak film shop so that they may become acquainted with it and understand its use. Research (goals, me thods, etc. ): Research how other companies marketed and sold their economy brand priced film. Find out which consumer would be interested in the film and target them. Use a survey to ask current consumers what price they would be willing to pay for a less premium film, and what they would expect out of it. Run a trial test in key areas and around peak seasonal times.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Developing paragraphs

Paragraphs are the consistent parts of any writings and any paper is impossible without them. They form every writing, make it clear and easier to read and understand. However, only well and properly structured and developed paragraphs are able to provide your essay with a positive grade. There are several things you must keep to while writing paragraphs in order to produce a successful and interesting piece of writing. So please read the following information attentively, and if you will keep these simple rules, no doubt you will be able to write good essays. First of all it is better to keep in mind that the structure of paragraphs gives the reader a map of your ideas and opinions and also show your reasoning. Thus you need to be very attentive while writing them. Paragraphs show the flow of ideas in your head that you try to put on the paper, and if you dont want the reader to think that everything in your head is a complete mess, then it is better to follow the tips below. First of all, every paper should have an introduction and conclusion paragraphs. The first paragraph of any writing is the introduction, and it should catch the attention of the reader. It should not necessarily be extensive, and actually it is even better if the introduction paragraph is short and easily understandable. Note that it is better not to overwhelm it with too much information, but the main purpose of the introduction paragraph is to catch the attention of the reader so that he or she will want to continue reading your paper. Concluding paragraph also should not be a big one and should summarize the information given in the whole text by highlighting main points and ideas given in the paper. It should repeat the main idea of the essay the reader had just read and give an outcome or purpose of all the information that was presented in the paper. Speaking about all paragraphs in general, try to avoid long ones, because they can be not-user-friendly to read. If you have a paragraph that is about one page long or more, you should better check if it can work as two separate paragraphs instead. But your paragraphs should not be short either. Two or three sentence paragraphs should be combined together with some other, as they might seem to be unprofessional and lack completeness. Try to keep the the golden mean so that your paragraphs will not be too long or too short, but just about the right size to include all necessary information and not overwhelm and bore the reader. Moreover, remember that each paragraph should be connected and coherent with others and should definitely be focused. To make the paragraphs connected with each other you can repeat key words throughout your whole paper or you can use linking words such as: also, for example, in addition to, on the contrary, on the other hand, in conclusion, accordingly, therefore, finally etc. Every paragraph should have a topic sentence where the central idea of the paragraph will be presented. It is recommended to put the topic sentences at the beginning of the paper, this way the reader will know what to expect from the further writing. However this is not the case with first and last (introduction and conclusion) paragraphs of the paper. While writing paragraphs please follow the logical order and sequence, for example going from cause to effect, from more to less important or using comparison and contrast pattern. So, in order to write a good paper your paragraphs should have right and proper size, have topic sentence at the beginning of each (excluding first and last ones though), they should be focused and easy to read. If you keep all the information from this article in mind, you will have better chance to achieve success in your writing and will grant your professor little more pleasant reading moments before going to sleep. Good luck.